Monday, October 25, 2010

New Quilt

Yeah...I'm not finished with the first one. 12 more rows of stitching to go before it's complete. I do see the light peering at the end of the tunnel. Of course I get bored and start a new quilt. The thing about quilting is, the longer that blanket sets on your lap, the more you start to regret the colors you picked out, or start to notice how horrible the stitches look. At first you think it's the best thing ever, but then it starts to seem flawed.
My new quilt is a little more exciting. I'm copying the quit from Embroidery Companion by Alicia Paulson (Posie Gets Cozy). Currently I'm embroidering baby farm animals onto 6 pieces of linen. It's an expression of my recent barnyard craze. I found an old book my mom use to read me called Baby Animals. The main character is named Katie and she visits the baby animals around the farm. I also found a set of books about a bear named Patrick. Patrick takes a bath, Patrick Goes Shopping, and Patrick Eats His Dinner. I loved those books! "Nuts!" was my favorite thing Patrick said. I just checked on Amazon and other retailers and the books are going for 75 dollars. Crazy.

School is getting more stressful and taking up more time. The weekends are getting shorter. I think it's time for Christmas break.